Insurance may be defined as a contract between two parties whereby one party called insurer undertakes, in exchange for a fixed sum called decorations, to pay the other party called ensured a fixed quantum of plutocrat on the passing of a certain event.
The insurance, thus, is a contract whereby
Since Insurance is a contract, certain sections of the Contract Act are applicable.
All agreements are contracts if they're made by the free concurrence of the parties, competent to contract, for a legal consideration and with a legal object and which aren't hereby declared to be void.
rudiments of Insurance Contract can be classified into two sections;
This Act says that all agreements are the contract if they're made by the free concurrence of the parties, competent to contract, for a legal consideration and with a legal object and which aren't at this moment declared to be void ”.
The insurance contract involves( A) the rudiments of the general contract, and( B) the element of special contract relating to insurance.
The special contract of insurance involves principles
So, in total, there are eight rudiments of the insurance contract which are bandied below
The valid contract, according to Section 10 of the Indian Contract Act 1872, must have the following essentialities;
The offer for entering into the contract may come from the ensured.
The insurer may also propose to make the contract. Whether the offer is from the side of an insurer or the side of the ensured, the main fact is acceptance. Any act that precedes it's the offer or acounter-offer. All that anteceded the offerercounter-offer is an assignation to offer.
In insurance, the publication of the prospectus, the canvassing of the agents are assignations to offer.
When the prospect( the implicit policy- holder) proposes to enter the contract, it's an offer and if there's any revision in the offer that would be acounter-offer.
still, it would be respectable, If this revision or change(counter-offer) ill- accepted by the proposer.
In the absence of a counter-offer, the acceptance of the offer will be an acceptance by the insurer. At the moment, the notice of acceptance is given to another party; it would be a valid acceptance.
The pledge to pay a fixed sum at a given contingency is the insurer who must have some return or his pledge. It need not be plutocrat only, but it must be precious.
It may be added, right, interest, profit or benefit Premium being the precious consideration must be given for starting the insurance contract.
The quantum of decoration isn't important to begin the contract. The fact is that without payment of decoration, the insurance contract can not start.
Every person is competent to contract;
A minor isn't competent to contract. A contract by a minor is void excepting contracts for necessities. A minor can not subscribe a contract.
A person is said to be of sound mind to make a contract if, at the time when he makes it, he's able of understanding it and of forming a rational judgment as to its effect upon his interests.
A person who's generally of unsound mind, but, sometimes of sound mind may. make a contract when he's of sound mind. Alien energy, an undischarged insolvent and culprits can not agree. A contract made by an unskillful party/ parties will be void.
Parties entering into the contract should enter into it by their free consent.
The consent will be free when it is not caused by—
(1) coercion,
(2) undue influence,
(3) fraud, or
(4) misrepresentation, or
(5) mistake.
When there's no free concurrence except fraud, the contract becomes voidable at the option of the party whose concurrence was so caused. In the case of fraud, the contract would be void.
The offer for free concurrence must subscribe a protestation to this effect, the person explaining the subject matter of the offer to the proposer must also consequently make a written protestation or the offer.
To make a valid contract, the object of the agreement should be lawful. An object that is,
(i) not forbidden by law or
(ii) is not immoral, or
(iii) opposed to public policy, or
(iv) which does not defeat the provisions of any law, is lawful.
In the offer from the object of insurance is asked which should be legal and the object shouldn't beconcealed.However, like the consideration, is set up to be unlawful, If the object of insurance.
For an insurance contract to be valid, the ensured must retain an insurable interest in the subject matter of insurance.
The insurable interest is the financial interest whereby the policy- holder is served by the actuality of the subject- matter and is prejudiced death or damage of the subject- matter. The rudiments of a valid insurable interest are the following
The subject- matter is life in the life insurance, property, and goods in property insurance, liability, and adventure in general insurance.
Insurable interest is basically a financial interest, i.e., the loss caused by fire passing of the ensured threat must be able of fiscal valuation.
No emotional or novelettish loss, as an anticipation or anxiety, would be the ground of the insurable interest. The event ensured should be one that if it happens, the party suffers financially and if it doesn't be, the party is served by the actuality.
But a bare stopgap or anticipation, which may be frustrated by the passing to some extent, isn't an insurable interest.